Murder of Crows Barbell is excited to announce again that we are hosting a Super Total Weekend 10/7-10/8. This competition will feature a USA Weightlifting Competition on Saturday with a Powerlifting America Competition on Sunday. Athletes who belong to both federations will be able to register for both meets at a reduced price. Alternatively, athletes can register for either the weightlifting or powerlifting competition.
This is a 2-day event with all weight classes in the Open divisions receiving 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place medals. The top male/female athlete to complete the Super Total will be awarded the Super Best Lifter Trophy. The Super Total Trophy will be awarded to the athlete with the highest Sinclair + highest Wilks.
A tentative schedule will be announced 9/9.
Registration will be limited to the first 60 entries for the USA Weightlifting competition and the first 60 entries for the Powerlifting America competition. The PA meet will be RAW ONLY.
Entry Fee will be $95 for the USAW Competition and $95 for the PA Competition. Those who register for the Super Total will be registered for both competitions for $140. Spectator Fees for a Single Day will be $5 per person. Athletes will be allowed free entry to both days, and allowed two coach passes that are good for the day they compete.
REFUND POLICY: Athlete may receive up to 50% refund through September 9th. No transfers of registrations.
Athletes registering for either meet will be expected to bring their valid USAW and/or PA Membership Card and Government ID when they arrive. You will be expected to fulfill the equipment and technical requirements for the respective federation.