Murder of Crows Barbell Club is pleased to announce the return of the New York City Championships for 2024! MOC will play host to this event on Saturday & Sunday, January 27th & 28th, 2024, and we invite athletes from NYC to compete in the Championships to seek out the Strongest Lifters of the 5 Boroughs. Any athletes from outside NYC are welcome to lift in our Open Competition. Lifters from New York City who have competed at a meet in NYC in 2023 and won best male or female lifter may have their entry fee waived: please contact the meet director with the date & meet result in order to register. Youth & junior lifters get 50% off their entry fee; please contact the meet director in order to arrange this.
The 2024 NYC Championships/Open will take place over two (2) days on Saturday & Sunday, January 27 & 28, 2023 at Murder of Crows, 1010 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11238. Athletes must be current USAW members on the date they lift, and they must present their current USAW membership card as well as government-issued ID at weigh in. This ID has to show an address from New York City (The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Staten Island) in order to compete in the NYC Championship Division.
Medals will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in all Youth, Junior, and Senior weight class categories, as well as to Masters in their respective weight classes, but grouped via two age groups: 35-49 and 50+. The best male & female lifter in each borough will be awarded a plaque, commemorating a legendary lifter from their borough! The best male & female lifters overall will be awarded unique prizes.
REFUND POLICY: Athletes may receive a 50% refund through Sunday, December 10, 2023; there will be NO REFUNDS after December 10, 2023. There will be no transfers of registrations permitted.
Spectators can purchase a ticket for entry for $5 at the event and this money goes to support our national athletes. Athletes will be provided one (1) athlete pass and two (2) coach passes for the day upon check in. Access to the warm up room will be given to those holding passes 30 minutes before the athlete's session starts.
Please direct all questions to Sara Soto at